5 Hiring Challenges you can avoid

5 Hiring Challenges you can avoid


Morgan Henry

Are you currently (or plan to be in the near future) in the market for quality employees? 

Are you currently being confronted with any of the challenges listed below?

1.     Employees quitting without notice.

2.     Employees with performance issues, poor work ethic, constant tardiness & bad attitudes.

3.     Job postings are receiving minimal responses and a large percentage of resumes received are for job applicants who do not meet the posted job requirements.

4.     Scheduled interviews are showing up late, unprepared or they don’t show up at all!

5.     After spending time, money, and man power to onboard a new hopeful hire you discover the candidate does not have the right skills or experience they claimed to have during the interview.

Here are the facts:

90 % of job applicants responding to job postings do not read the job requirements and submit their resumes anyways. –  Meaning you may have to search through 100 applications to find only 1 or 2 people who meet the criteria for the job you need filled.

Due to the current white hot market interview ghosting is becoming a trend and on average 30% of scheduled interviews will no show!  

Outsourcing your hiring needs to the pros will save you money!

Here is the good news!

iDEAL can help!

We are a team of dedicated and specialized recruiters ready to help develop your business and fill your positions with quality employees!

If you said yes to more than 1 of the obstacles listed then you are in need of an iDEAL solution!

Save your company time and money by choosing to hire with iDEAL Personnel!

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