Navigating a company with employees working from home has motivated us to become more creative with how to connect and have fun.
Virtual meetings are the new normal and we have worked hard to create an open environment that helps lift the mood and bond our team.
Some days can feel like endless virtual meetings and over time energy fades. We have gotten creative with virtual team builds and have found that one of the top favorites has been playing virtual games together.
A top contender being a team quiz.
Thi sia fun interactive way to reignite energy in your team ywhen energy seems low.
It can serve a variety of purposes.
Not only does it allow you to gauge your audience’s interest, it also calls for their attention and focus.
Hosting quizzes at the beginning of your meetings or just as a fun team building event is a great way to increase engagement!
And the variety of quizzes you can create are endless! Work from home facts, company trivia, business stats in review, social media, pop culture, etc.
Take advantage of technology and use quiz generating sites to keep it simple and interactive.
Up the ante and add prizes to draw the teams focus and add a competitive element.
You know your work family best, so use what you know when creating team trivia.
Trivia not your team’s style? No big deal, here are a few virtual activities your team can partake in.
- Virtual Coffee Breaks
- Virtual Bingo
- Virtual Wine Tasting
- Virtual Scavenger Hunt
- Virtual Happy Hour
.We hope these virtual team build ideas bring you lots of laughs and memories with your team!
Written By: Morgan Henry