4 Tips to Beat the Monday Blues

4 Tips to Beat the Monday Blues


Morgan Henry

The Monday Blues

Most of us know them well.

Coming back from the weekend can sometimes be, well – dreaded. 

Even those of us who love our jobs find that coming into work after having a (usually not long enough) weekend of rest can admit to that hitting the snooze button a few more times in the morning. 

So how do you remedy these feelings of dread for the new work week? 

Here are 4 tips to help you counter the Monday Blues.

1.Monday plans are made on Friday.

Mondays are often stressful because work has piled up from the previous week and weekend. It can seem like an overwhelming task that is better avoided. To help alleviate some of the Monday morning stress try to complete as many dreaded tasks as possible on Friday to leave little to tackle on Monday morning! 

2.Create a list of upcoming events  you are excited about.

Sunday evening, make a list of three things you look forward to at work that week. This might put you in a more positive mood. If you can’t think of three things you look forward to, that might be an indication that you need to make some changes.

3. Enjoy an unplugged weekend!

Do your best to avoid checking work emails or voicemail over the weekend. Working on the weekend makes us feel less rested and can add to a lack of work life balance as it leads people to feel like they never have any time off. 

4. Wake up early. 

Go to bed a little early and get up with enough time to enjoy some exercise, a good breakfast or simply a cup of coffee and the morning news! 

Although it might seem counter-intuitive, waking up an extra 15 to 30 minutes early on Monday morning can actually make going back to the office easier. 

All in an occasional case of the Monday Blues is normal! 

But if you find yourself dreading every day of work you’ll want to check in with yourself. Frequent cases of the Monday blues may be a significant sign that you are unhappy at work and ready for a change. 

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