Find the Needle In the Haystack

Find the Needle In the Haystack


Morgan Henry

It often seems that finding quality employees is an unattainable task.

Desirable staff are in high demand & with the surplus of available positions it seems impossible to find the ideal candidate.

What is a hiring manager to do?

Some, turn to the experts! We highly recommend this as talent recruiters are trained to find your company the ideal match and they decrease the risk of a “bad hire”.

If you choose to go at it alone below are 4 steps to  help you find the “diamonds in the rough”.

STEP 1: Create a clear & accurate job posting.

STEP 2: Act quickly and be decisive. (Quality employees are in high demand.)

STEP 3: Maintain reasonable expectations

STEP 4:  Offer a competitive salary

Remember to screen your company for any process breakdowns. The hiring process is often filled with blunders that can keep you from hiring your top choice.  Employers often hire “warm bodies” instead of their top choice because the best candidates are lost in a lengthy process. To avoid this, keep qualified candidates engaged by providing frequent and transparent communication.

We wish you the best of luck in the hiring adventure and hope you find your iDEAL employee!

“Hiring good employees is as difficult as it seems. Be prepared to do everything necessary to hire them”. -Mike Kappel, Patriot Software CEO

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