Resume Upgrade - Skills to Stand Out

Resume Upgrade – Skills to Stand Out


Morgan Henry

The Resume is the first impression a job candidate has with a prospective hiring manager. 

Because first impressions matter that first glimpse MUST highlight how amazing you are!

How can you achieve this with so many other people also seeking to get noticed? 

Simple, you need to spend time on crafting your resume! 

The #1 rule to a carefully written resume is to tailor it to the position you are applying for.

No matter the title, every role is different.  So be sure your resume highlights specific skills you could bring to THAT company. 

Include the skills you possess that best fit that industry, position, and company values.

The top 4 most in-demand skills are Multitasking, Adaptability, Emotional Intelligence and Communication.  


It’s almost a given that your job title will include multiple responsibilities and you will need to be able to focus on one task at a time while not neglecting the others.


Being adaptable is as important as ever with the ever changing technology of our world.  

You have to be able to keep up and adapt. 

Emotional Intelligence

We have all made it this far through the pandemic and it has certainly taught us to be more sensitive to what other people are going through.  


Whether written or verbal, the need to effectively communicate has only become more important. 

More people than ever are working virtually and to be efficient you need to communicate clearly, understand instructions and work with your team.

The necessity of above mentioned hard and soft skills will vary depending on your industry.  

Hard skills can be measured and often include showing a certain certification, whereas soft skills are harder to prove but extremely important in being an effective team player.

Highly valued soft skills include creativity, communication, time management, collaboration, organization, problem solving, decision making and administrative skills.

Employers want to see a mix of your hard and soft skills.  

As you read through a job description you may notice a few key skills that are mentioned several times.  

These are the keywords to what they are hiring for so if you possess them then put them on top!

Research, research, research!

Look through multiple job posts for the position you are applying for and it’s likely you will find what they are looking for.  

Job openings are carefully tailored, so don’t forget to make your resume carefully tailored as well.

To help you stand out, don’t only bullet point your skills, also add them into your descriptions to help you define and explain how you used that skill in a previous role.  

Again, you have to be able to prove your skills.  So don’t be vague or exaggerate.

Proofread several times before submitting your resume anywhere. 

Spell Check doesn’t always do all the work for you.

Then, submit, breathe and look forward to the interview requests that will be coming your way!

Written By: Morgan Henry  

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